jueves, 29 de junio de 2017

Happy 20th anniversary!

Hi bloggers!

Today I´ll talk about you to the twenty years of Harry Potter (YAY!), on June 26, 1997 "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone" the first book of the J.k Rowling that was published. The seven books of the saga be translate in 79 lenguagues, with 450 millions of copies sellout. The "Pottermanía" gave rise to 8 films, books derived, a website, innumerable objects and theme parks in several countries

The National Library of  Scotland gave Potter a special exhibition in Edinburgh, where Rowling wrote much of the novel, between his house and the coffee shop "The Elephant House". Wich host thousand of fans each year.

In honour of the 20th anniversary, an exibition celebrating the magic of Harry Potter will open at the British Library on 20 October, while Rowling´s publisher Bloomsbury will relaese four new editions of the book, one for each house at Howarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry.

So, wizards and witchcrafts : -) I hope you read Harry Potter or see of his films on this anniversary,
(I´ll see the saga in the weekend) and enjoy it!


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